Sunday 19 January 2014

Shopping and Selling in Singapore

76% Singaporean go shopping online every day. Shopping online for dress, jewellery, handphone accessories and small items become a habit of Singapore shoppers. The biggest reason for people like to go shopping online because they believe they can save money online.

Actually, the products are cheaper than local outlets. The website like helped customer saving more than 45% on shopping because the sellers are not paying the rent fee for a store.

Online shopping forced many local store decrease the price to earn customers. Many stores are opened in the labor shopping center. However, that not means the rent fee is decreasing. The rent fees are keep on increasing in every year. Many local owners of the outlet became the blogshop owners. They are using the blogspot, wordpress, facebook and livejorunal to sell the products in Singapore. According to the analysis and research. There are more than 10,000 blogshops in Singapore. Many of them can earn 1000 SGD per month. Some popular blogshop owner can earn 10,000 SGD per month in Singapore.

Selling online is not easy, because everyone can do it. Sellers must choose the right products. Some girls like to sell Korean dresses, pants, and lingerie online, but they don't know these kind of simple ideas makes most of sellers are selling in the same way. That's the reason for website like have to struggle the profits of the products. The good news is buyers are saving money.

Online shopping Singapore is easy, but selling become more and more tough in Singapore. Singapore is not a manufacture country. More than 80% lifestyle products are made in China. Dress, pants, jeans, almost every clothes is made in China. The difference is the brand, and design. Some seller like to go Korea to import the clothes, but the smart sellers are go Guang Zhou to import the Korea clothes.

One of my friend from Korea shared a secret to me before. He told me his clothes all made in China. He just give the manufacture design and brand. Sometimes he is so lazy to make a new design, and just get clothes from the factory and put it on his own brand.

If you are selling the Korean dresses and still believe go Korea to import products, your profits are eaten by Korean shopping mall Qoo10 now. They selling it direct from Korea. Some may even sell from China.